Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy Blogging

I have been updating my blogroll yesterday. It took me 5 hours to do it. I have to go to each website/blogs that i have added before. I was checking to see if my blog was added likewise. Sadly, i have deleted 20's some blogs. Back then it was like 70's, i deleted them cause of some reasons like they loads uneasy, i mean taking so long to come out or too many pop-ups and also I deleted the blogs which do not visit me even i was visiting to them too many times. What's the sense anyway? I hope nobody's got offended of what i have done. I was just trying to get my blogroll cleaned up. I don't want to be part of those blogs aren't willing to do the same to me.

To all bloggers that stays in my blogroll congratulations. To all i have deleted please tell me if you want to get it back.

Since i was talking about blogs and blogging, yesterday i get paid $24 from smorty for doing 4 reviews last week. So, its another additional extra for me. I still have 3 post that are waiting to be approved. Hopefully it will soon! Right now i am waiting for more opps to do. I hope i can grab again.

Just an update. Happy Blogging everyone!